Rethinking the Dissertation
byBy Natalie Berkman For our second session, the Connected Academics proseminar fellows visited Ithaka S+R, a nonprofit higher education think tank in Manhattan. While…
By Natalie Berkman For our second session, the Connected Academics proseminar fellows visited Ithaka S+R, a nonprofit higher education think tank in Manhattan. While…
Over the course of a year as a Connected Academics fellow, says Shannon Lujan, “I came to realize that all my work during graduate school was just another “alternative” track in my more traditional teaching, research, and service history. Connected Academics taught me that I have transferable skills in both academic and nonacademic markets.”
Interested in pursuing a career outside or adjacent to the academy, but no idea where to start? 2015–16 proseminar fellow Dr. Sarah Goldberg made a handy primer and resource guide that will help you on your way!
“Help! Everyone I’ve talked says my PhD isn’t enough—I need work experience. I came straight into grad school from my undergraduate program, and I’ve never worked full-time. How do I get work experience? What kind should I get? And how am I going to fit it in and still get my research done?”